Ultimately it’s not about the product itself, it’s about what you can do with it
In what I do, new technology is never a goal in itself. I believe innovation needs to bring improvement. In part this means technical improvement, but the main thing is added value for the end user or for society. The innovation that counts is innovation that serves the interests of people.
A product only truly comes to life when it is used. This interaction between user and product is the definition of success. For me, reflecting on that interaction and influencing it is one of the most enjoyable aspects of product design. Every moment of the product’s life cycle is part of this experience: from purchase to use, to repair or replacement. That’s because the way people interact with products determines the bonds they build with them.
Sustainability begins, naturally enough, with the question of whether the product is truly necessary. Once that’s established, the primary concern is to design something that lasts as long as possible and minimises environmental impact. A well-conceived, high-quality product that only becomes more beautiful through use is something you’d rather repair than replace – it would be a pity to throw away something you’ve become attached to.
As an industrial designer, I design products that are meant to be used, to be held. That’s why materials play such an essential role in the design process. Each material has its own character and qualities, its own potentials and limitations. Choosing the right material or combination of materials is crucial, not only to the function of the product, but also to the experience of it.
Designing is really good fun. From finding the right form and playing with colours and textures to adding in the finest details. Together they give the product its own unique character. These choices are often intuitive and personal and that’s what makes my designs identifiable and original.